Sunday, 12 January 2014

Commission - Cat Cross stitch

Just be four Christmas I had todo a cross stitch of a cat for one of my friends from work, He wanted a picture of a sleeping cat with the name Lady stitch on it some where, Here is the pattern I designed

I then stitch it

he was very happy with the end result and framed it to give as a present for Christmas. I may have another commission in the near future. 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Cross stitch Design - Magnezone

Heres the next cross stitch of the Pokemon Magnezone, Here is the design for it: 

and here it is `framed, 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Cross stitch designs - Lucario

The next cross stitch I did was of the Pokemon Lucario. Same idea of the Tribbish, I did the pattern first.

Here it is all stitched, I then framed it.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Pokemon Cross stitch - Trubbish

For the next few post I have done some cross stitches of some Pokemon as presents for christmas. The first one I did was of the Pokemon Trubbish. As with any cross stitch I need to do the pattern as show below.

I then stitch it and this is how it came out. 

I then Framed it and this is how it turned out